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How to Navigate the OPAIS Database Effectively

Writer's picture: Lyssa LimbrechtLyssa Limbrecht

Updated: Aug 11, 2022

Want to stay HRSA compliant?

Keeping your information up to date in the 340B Drug Pricing Program’s OPAIS database will help you maintain compliance. And it is one of the simplest things to do to avoid a very common HRSA audit finding.

Wait, what is the OPAIS database?

The OPAIS database stores all covered entities' registrations, change requests, recertification, and updates for all current and past 340B participants.

The OPAIS database essentially consists of the 340B registration and pricing databases. The different functions you can carry out depends on your assigned user role by HRSA and your Covered Entity type.

In general, you can do the following tasks within the database:

● Fill out covered entity or manufacturer registrations

● Manage your 340B facility and pharmacy records

● Respond to annual recertification requests

● Check for 340B ceiling prices on medications

● and more

Now you have some basic understanding of the OPAIS database, what it contains, and what it does.

But why is it important?

HRSA will issue an audit finding due to a failure to maintain accurate information in the database. Examples of HRSA audit findings for your organization could include inaccurate:

● Hospital or clinic sites and Addresses

● Contract Pharmacy listings

● Unlisted offsite outpatient facilities

● Authorizing Official or Primacy Contact information

These are just some reasons it is important to review your OPAIS database information during every self-audit.

Verify the following:

● Your entity's name, address, shipping addresses, and entity type

● Your grant number(s); if applicable

● Your Medicaid Carve-In and Carve-Out info

● Your Medicaid Exclusion File’s (MEF) NPI and Medicaid billing numbers

● Your contract pharmacies names, addresses, contact person information and for any inactive pharmacies being terminated

The good news is, ensuring your information in the OPAIS database is accurate is relatively simple. So, it is best to make this a regular practice in your monthly self-audits.

Get in touch with us to learn more about how Optimal340B can help your facility with your 340B Program.

Call us at 1-866-OPT340B(678-3402) , Schedule a time to chat or reach our CEO by email at

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